====================================================================== IBIS INTERCONNECT MODELING AD HOC TASK GROUP MEETING MINUTES AND AGENDA http://www.eda.org/ibis/adhoc/interconnect/ Mailing list: ibis-interconn@freelists.org ====================================================================== Next Meeting October 10, 2007 Telephone Bridge Passcode 916-356-2663 4 227-7073 LiveMeeting Details - NOTE: USE THE DETAILS BELOW ONLY IF THE OUTLOOK INVITATION LINKS FAIL If you need to be added to the LiveMeeting, contact Michael Mirmak Subject: IBIS Ad Hoc Interconnect Meeting Meeting URL: https://www.livemeeting.com/cc/intel/join Meeting ID: PQ93MQ Meeting Key: KQ;"]2@gB Role: Attendee Agenda: - Review of Touchstone(R) 2.0 draft 11 ====================================================================== Minutes from September 26: Attendees: ---------- (* denotes present) Agilent - Radek Biernacki*, John Moore Green Streak Programs - Lynne Green Intel - Michael Mirmak* Mentor Graphics Corp. - John Angulo* Micron Technology - Randy Wolff* Teraspeed Consulting Group - Bob Ross* ======================================================================== The team conducted an additional review of the Touchstone 2.0 draft. For clarity, the suggestions from Sam Chitwood were summarized: 1) At this point, a parameter listing the number of frequencies in the file is not seen as needed. Bob observed that the information would only be useful for error-checking. Radek and Randy agreed, with Randy stating that this is somewhat like the EBD file format, which contains numerous redundant parameters for cross-checking. 2) Mixed-mode support was deemed not needed; if demand was strong, this could be reintroduced in a future version 3) ZIP or other binary compression would force some sort of choice for the method, with extensive additions to the specification required. Would password-protection be needed? This was also deferred. 4) Lower- or upper-half representation of data may be useful, but would be even less compelling than binary support, due to the file size reduction being less than 50%. No significant changes to the current draft are anticipated based on these suggestions. ======================================================================== Team Objectives: 1) complete ICM-IBIS linking BIRD and any associated changes to the ICM specification 2) update the ICM specification, if needed, to clarify the mapping of ICM nodes to S-parameter ports 3) complete a specification for "Touchstone Plus" or similar industry-standard definition for Touchstone-like files, to include complex impedance references, removal of limits on the maximum number of ports and per-port impedance references